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Saturday, July 30, 2011

When is it okay to cheat?

The Importance of Ethics in Everyday Life
A few weeks ago, a college in Mumbai had conducted a two day workshop for its students on Ethics at the Workplace. And many interesting questions were asked by the students. One question that a student raised received a very loud and enthusiastic applause from all other fellow-students and teachers assembled at the workshop. The student said, “I value honesty and friendship. So during the exams when my close friend asks me for an answer, which of these two values should I choose? Is it unethical to help a friend who is in need of your help?” Interesting situation, isn’t it? What would your answer to this question be? Please be sure of your answer before reading the rest of this article!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

iPad now in INDIA !!

At last, iPad is going to reach India officially.
It took nearly 1 year to get into Indian hands.
Now, the Question worth asking is...

How much time will iPad-2, Which is being
speculated to be announced in 2nd week of Feb,
take to reach India ??

The iPad 16GB WiFi only version is said to
be priced 26,000 Rupees.

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